Saturday, May 27, 2023

What are the different types of otoplasty?

 Otoplasty, also known as cosmetic ear surgery, is an invasive procedure which is used to redefine the size, shape, position, and the projection of ears. The purpose of otoplasty is to improve their appearance and make them look proportional with the head and the face of the individual.

Ear surgery in Dubai aims to correct birth defects, structural abnormalities, and accidental deformities to give ears an aesthetically appealing appearance. It effectively achieves a balanced and well-proportioned profile for patients who feel insecure about how their ears look.

Types of Otoplasty

Cosmetic ear surgery can take several forms:

Ear Reduction

Ear reduction, as the name suggests, reduces the size of overly large ears. The surgery includes undermining the cartilage of the pinna (or outer wing) of the ear auricle to make it smaller.

Ear Pinning

The goal of ear pinning is to decrease the extent to which your ear stick out from the sides of your head. It involves folding or trimming the excess cartilage of the protruding ears to make them look smarter.

Ear Augmentation

Ear augmentation serves the purpose of increasing the size of ears that are underdeveloped due to different reasons or are naturally small. The surgery gives a balanced look to patients having abnormally small ears.

Expected Benefits

One can expect to obtain the following cosmetic benefits from otoplasty: 

  • Resizing of small ears
  • Restructuring of excessively folded auricles
  •  Readjustment of easily noticeable protrusion
  • Reshaping of overly large ears
  • Correction of congenital deformities
  • Symmetrical and well-proportioned ears
  • An overall improved look and body image
  • Permanent outcomes
  • Scar-less results
  • Increased self-esteem

Procedure of the Surgery

The process begins with a detailed consultation session with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who evaluates your condition, medical history, and you suitability for the procedure. This initial session helps them devise a customized plan for your surgery in accordance with your expectations.

On the day of the surgery, Plastic Surgeons start off by administering general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Next, incisions are drawn either behind the ear or along the natural folds to hide the scars later. Cartilage and soft tissue is then manipulated to achieve the targeted goals. For instance, if ear projection is being addressed, Plastic Surgeons folds the cartilage and stitch it in place or remove it altogether to reduce its protrusion. Similarly, in the case of enlarged ears, the incisions are drawn between the helix (outer rim of the ear) and antihelix (inner ridge). The extra flexible connective tissue is then removed along with the skin.

Finally, the incisions are closed with the help of sutures and the treated sites are bandaged to fix the changes. The surgery usually takes about 1 to 3 hours in total.

Recovery Phase

Most patients are able to return to daily routine within 7 to 10 days of otoplasty. During recovery, they are advised to take the prescribed painkillers and avoid lying on their sides as it puts unnecessary pressure on the wounds. Your Provider may also advise you to wear a headband while you sleep.

Need Help?

If you are interested in seeking advice or knowing more about otoplasty in Dubai, feel free to contact the Al Shunnar patient care team. Our coordinators will readily schedule a personal consultation session for you with one of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Plastic Surgery for Men: Top 5 Cosmetic Procedures

According to the Plastic Surgery Statistics Report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, cosmetic procedures performed on men in the United States alone constituted 13% of the total plastic surgeries in the year 2018.

 The above-mentioned figure shows that aesthetic surgery is fast becoming popular among men. Thanks to social media and the power of the internet, awareness about plastic surgery has increased significantly over the years as more men and women can be seen seeking cosmetic procedures to enhance their looks.

Top Five Cosmetic Procedures for Men

Below is the list of the widely sought plastic surgery procedures for men.


Statista reports that liposuction was the most performed surgery for men for the year 2021 in the United States. Liposuction is a minimally invasive fat-removal procedure that involves suctioning fat cells from specific areas of the body to make them look more sculpted. The goals of men and women for this technique differ in that men don’t want a slimmer or thin figure. Instead, they aspire to make their bodies more defined and chiseled.

Body contouring through liposuction provides men with an effective less-invasive alternative to surgical procedures. It demands less downtime after the treatment and also carries a low risk. Fat cells eliminated through liposuction do not come back with time and the individual can preserve the outcomes for long periods if they maintain a stable weight.

Breast Reduction

Also known as Gynecomastia is an abnormal enlargement of breast tissue among men due to hormonal imbalance. It is a very common phenomenon; around 50-70% of males manifest signs of gynecomastia as per research. Breast reduction surgery reduces the volume of overdeveloped breasts, contours the chest region, and resizes the areola.

It is an invasive surgery in which incisions are made on both breasts to excise the extra, unwanted breast glandular tissue. Breast reduction can also be performed through liposuction if the increased breast size is due to excessive fat deposition in the chest region. During liposuction, a cannula is used to loosen the fat cells in the breasts which are then removed through suction.

Eyelid surgery

Many men go for eyelid surgery, which is also known as blepharoplasty, to improve the appearance of their tired-looking eyes. There is no denying that signs of aging tend to become quite visible around the eyes in the form of crow’s feet and thick eyelids. This can make an individual appear older than they actually are. Therefore, men often complain about the eye bags and deep creases around their eyes and how they affect their looks.

Blepharoplasty can be done on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both to rejuvenate their droopy appearance. By removing excess skin and fat, it reduces the puffiness around the eyes resulting in a more alert and youthful look. The surgery can be combined with ptosis to perform lifting of the eyelids along with readjustment of the tissue. The good news is that eyelid surgery does not leave obvious scars as it is done along the natural folds and creases to hide the incision lines.


Time and again, rhinoplasty has been dubbed as one of the most famous procedures in the practice for both men and women. It fixes the aesthetic and structural issues of the nose to give it a more symmetrical, defined, and slimmer look.

Nose reshaping surgery is a highly complex, invasive procedure that involves readjusting the soft tissue and cartilage of the nasal area to modify its shape and size. Men often opt for the surgery to make their noses a bit bigger, straighter, and less bulbous at the tip.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, gives a toned and flattened appearance by removing extra skin and tissue of the abdomen, readjusting the muscles, and tightening the fascia. It is a popular procedure among men as it not only addresses cosmetic concerns but also fixes the underlying medical condition by strengthening the loose abdominal wall.

Men can choose between complete or mini tummy tuck after consulting with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon regarding their condition and suitability. The surgery can be sought if you have undergone a significant weight change or want to get rid of the extra fat and sagging skin in the abdominal region.

Need Help?

If you want to know more on the topic or have queries regarding any surgical cosmetic procedure for men, feel free to contact the Al Shunnar team. Our coordinators will schedule a personal consultation session for you with one of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons or Aestheticians.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Here’s what You Should Know About Facelift

With aging comes the loss of youthful contours as the tissues and skin naturally lose their elasticity. This leads to the appearance of wrinkles and sagging of the skin. Apart from natural aging, the signs of aging can be aggravated by a variety of factors which include loss of facial fat, thinning of the skin, sun damage, gravity, smoking, stress, and genetics. A Facelift or Rhytidectomy is a Cosmetic Surgery procedure that lifts and tightens the facial tissues for a more youthful look.


A Facelift in Dubai improves the appearance of visible signs of aging in the face and neck such as:
  • Sagging of the facial skin
  • Loss of facial fat
  • Deepening of the fold lines between the corner of the mouth and nose
  • Jowls in the cheek and jaw
  • Excess fat and loose skin of the neck that has an appearance of a turkey neck or double chin
A facelift focuses on the bottom two-thirds of the face and most of the time this includes the neck. Although this does not include the brow or the eye area, a brow lift or Endoscopic facelift surgery can be performed in conjunction with the facelift to rejuvenate the whole face. Other procedures that can help enhance the results include fat transfer or fillers to replace lost volume and skin treatments such as dermabrasion, peels, or IPL to improve the texture and quality of the skin.

Good Candidate for a Facelift

  • The ideal candidate for a facelift is an individual who is:
  • Generally healthy
  • A nonsmoker
  • Has realistic expectations of what the surgery entails

What to expect during a consultation for a Facelift & pre-op guidelines

During your consultation for a facelift with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is an expert in facial procedures, you will discuss the following:
  • Your surgical goals
  • Personal and family medical history
  • Current medications, herbal supplements, vitamins, tobacco, alcohol, and drug use
  • Alternatives to facelift if the patient is not a good candidate for the procedure
You will also undergo blood work and pre-surgical evaluation during the consultation.
Your Plastic Surgeon will give you pre-op guidelines which will include:
  • Taking certain medication or adjusting your current medications
  • Stop smoking
  • Apply specific products to the facial skin
  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and herbal supplements as they can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising

Facelift Procedure

A facelift procedure is done under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.

The traditional facelift involves making an incision in the hairline at the temples which continues around the ear, ending in the lower scalp. The Plastic Surgeon may sculpt or redistribute fat from the face, jowls, and neck. The underlying tissue is repositioned while the muscles and deeper layers of the face are also lifted. Skin is then redraped over the newly formed contours and excess skin is trimmed away.

To improve the appearance of the aging neck, a second incision under the chin may be made. The incisions are closed with sutures or skin adhesives.

The incisions made during a facelift procedure are well concealed within the hairline and in the natural contours of the face and ear.

Recovery & Results

After the facelift procedure, it is common to experience some level of pain or discomfort, swelling, and bruising. Pain medication will be prescribed to help with the discomfort during the recovery. A dressing may be placed around your face to minimize swelling and bruising. Small tubes may also be placed to collect any excess fluid and blood.

Your Plastic Surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to take care of the drains and surgical sites, medications to take orally or apply, specific concerns to look out for at the surgical site or in your general health, and when to follow up with your practitioner.

The results will start being visible as the swelling goes down and it might take several months for your skin to feel ‘normal’ again.

Most individuals resume their normal daily activities after about two weeks but strenuous activities have to wait for about 4 weeks.

The final results should provide a more youthful and rested appearance, as well as increase your self-confidence.

To Know More

Would you like to understand what options are available for Facelift in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

A Guide to Brow Lift

A Brow Lift which is also commonly known as a forehead lift is a procedure that reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and improves frown lines. It involves removing excess sagging skin on the forehead and repositioning the underlying tissues and muscles resulting in a more naturally refreshed appearance.

Aging is natural but it comes with signs such as a sagging or heavily furrowed brow. This tends to affect facial expression and can cause an individual to constantly look worried, angry, or tired. Some people are also genetically inclined to have a heavier, thicker brow, making them appear as though they are wearing a frown even when they are feeling happy.

A Brow Lift in Dubai addresses these issues by making the following positive changes:
  • Improve the appearance of frown lines
  • Reduce wrinkle lines that develop between the eyes on the bridge of the nose and those that occur horizontally across the forehead
  • Raises sagging eyebrows that tend to hood the upper eyelids
  • Places the eyebrows in an alert and more youthful position
A brow lift can be performed along with other cosmetic procedures such as a facelift, blepharoplasty, and skin resurfacing treatments.

Good Candidate for a Brow Lift

You may qualify to be the ideal candidate for a brow lift if you meet the following criteria:
  • You have frown lines between the brows that make you look too serious or angry
  • You have skin relaxation that causes the eyebrows to droop, hooding your upper eyelids and making you look tired
  • You are a nonsmoker
  • You are physically healthy
  • You have positive and realistic expectations about the procedure

Preparation for a Brow Lift

Although a brow lift is a surgical procedure, its preparation is quite minimal and involves the following:
  • Undergo a medical evaluation such as lab tests
  • Adjust your current medication if you are on any
  • Do not smoke for a couple of weeks before and after the surgery
  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory medication, aspirin, and supplements as they can increase the risk of bleeding during the surgery


A brow lift surgery is performed in a hospital, an accredited surgical facility, or a licensed ambulatory surgical center. It is performed under general anesthesia.

Different techniques can be used for brow lift surgery. The Plastic Surgeon will decide depending on various factors such as the individual's goals, unique anatomy, and the extent of corrections that are needed to achieve the desired results.

The brow lift techniques include:

The Endoscopic Brow Lift technique

This is a much less invasive technique and it can equally achieve the desired results. The endoscopic brow lift technique involves the Plastic Surgeon making a series of small incisions behind the hairline. An endoscope and other thin instruments are inserted through these incisions. The Plastic Surgeons then use them to lift the underlying forehead tissues, reposition the muscles, and remove excess tissue and fat as needed to achieve a natural more youthful brow. 

  • Temporal Brow Lift Technique

The temporal brow lift technique involves incisions that are slightly longer than those of the endoscopic technique. The incisions are made above each temple behind the hairline. Through these incisions, your Plastic Surgeon will lift and reposition the tissues of the outer brow area. This lifts the area between the eyebrows to smooth out frown lines. 

  • Coronal or Classic Brow Lift Technique

This brow lift technique involves making one long incision behind the hairline from ear to ear. Excess fat, skin, and tissue are removed and the remaining brow muscles and skin are repositioned into a more youthful appearance.

Results & Recovery

After a brow lift surgery, the incisions are closed with sutures. It is normal to experience some pain and tightness throughout the forehead. You will also experience swelling and bruising but these resolve in about two weeks. Most individuals can return to work and normal activities within two weeks.

Following your Plastic Surgeon's instructions is important as this also determines the kind of results you will receive.

Although the results of the brow lift surgery are immediate, they will be obscured by the post-surgical swelling and the final results will be visible over the next few months when the swelling has completely gown down.

To Know More

Would you like to understand what options are available for Brow Lift in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Ultherapy: Ultrasound Skin Tightening

Ultherapy is a non-invasive ultrasound skin tightening procedure that can be used to firm the face and neck area for a more rejuvenated, younger-looking appearance. It is hailed as the non-surgical alternative to a facelift.

Ultherapy can counteract the early signs of aging such as sagging skin, wrinkles on the chest, neck, face, and drooping of the brow area. It stimulates collagen and elastin production to help firm and tighten skin, resulting in a noticeable lift in the skin and an overall youthful appearance.

How Ultherapy works

Ultherapy uses concentrated ultrasound waves to heat the skin (deep dermis). Unlike radiofrequency and laser skin tightening procedures, Ultherapy does not affect the outer skin layers. The ultrasound waves target and heat the underlying tissue to encourage the body’s healing response which then stimulates collagen and elastin production. This results in firmer skin, fewer wrinkles, and less sagging.

The target areas for Ultherapy include:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Eyebrows
  • Under the chin

Good Candidate for Ultherapy

The ideal candidate for Ultherpay is someone who desires a non-invasive skin tightening procedure but understands that it will not alter the surface of the skin. He/she should have mild to moderate skin and soft tissue laxity.

However, Ultherapy is not recommended for individuals with severe skin laxity issues as they would benefit from a more invasive procedure.

Preparing for Ultherapy

Ultherapy procedure requires minimal preparation. Makeup and other skincare products should be removed from the treatment area before the procedure. Before the procedure, you may be instructed by your provider to take anti-inflammatory or pain-reducing medication.

Ultherapy Procedure

The treatment area will be cleansed of any residue or oil and an ultrasound gel applied. The Ultherapy device is placed against the skin on the treatment area and an ultrasound viewer is used to adjust it to the appropriate settings. Ultrasound energy is then delivered to the treatment area. During the treatment, you might experience quick, intermittent sensations of heat and tingling. The applicator is then removed at the end of the procedure.

The duration the procedure takes usually depends on the treatment area. Treating the chest can take about 30 minutes while the face and neck can take about 60 minutes.

Recovery and Results

There is no downtime associated with Ultherapy and you can resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment. Some individuals may experience slight swelling and bruising but not for long.

The first results of Ultherapy are noticeable within a few days depending on the body’s ability to produce collagen. The improvements continue for up to three months and the effects last as long as the body continues to produce new collagen or until the natural aging process begins again.

Additional sessions can be necessary depending on how well you respond to the Ultherapy treatment.

To Know More

Would you like to understand what options are available for Ultherapy in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or Book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Dermal Fillers for Men

The stereotype that cosmetic procedures are supposed to be done on women alone is quickly melting as men have proved that they also fit in the aesthetic world of Plastic Surgery. This is because they also want to look as they feel which is younger, smoother, softer, and more refreshed.

Dermal Fillers for Men

Dermal fillers are soft tissue injections that help fill in facial wrinkles thus restoring a smoother appearance. They are ideal for replacing lost volume and can be used by men for various cosmetic purposes such as treatment of:
  • Frown lines
  • Nasolabial lines (deep smile lines at the side of the mouth)
  • Marionette line (lines from the mouth to the chin)
  • Deep hollows under the eyes
  • Shaping the jawline and chin
A dermal filler treatment is a quick and easy process that usually takes about 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area or areas. Dermal filler treatments not only restore and enhance your facial contours but can also take years off your appearance while resulting in a very natural look that no one will notice that you had work done. No anesthesia is necessary as the treatment is virtually painless.

Other additional benefits of dermal fillers for men include:
  • Immediate results. Dermal fillers offer an immediate improvement on appearance hence you can expect to look better right away. Although, for the first few days following the treatment the treated area may look swollen or overfilled but this resolves quickly as the filler settles in. The results continue to improve as the days go by, and if the first treatment failed to hit the desired mark, an additional filler can be applied.
  • Minimal discomfort. Facial rejuvenation with dermal fillers for men is not painful thus no anesthesia is needed. However, if you have a low tolerance for pain, a topical numbing cream can be applied to the treatment area to make you comfortable. The treatment area can remain tender for a few days but this can easily be managed by over-the-counter pain relievers.
  • Minimal to no restrictions. There are no limitations required on activities after dermal fillers for men's treatment. However, strenuous exercises are not recommended for the first 24-48 hours following an injection session. This allows for the filler to settle and the treatment area to heal.
  • Quick recovery. The recovery time for dermal filler treatment usually depends on the individual, the target area, and the extent of the treatment area. For some men, however, the recovery can take a maximum of two days while for other men there is usually no downtime, and they can go back to work immediately after the treatment.
  • Few side effects. Dermal fillers are FDA approved treatments for volume restoration and smoothing facial lines that come with aging. However, there is quite a small chance that side effects such as bruising, redness, and tenderness can occur, but these usually resolve quite quickly. It is quite rare to experience serious side effects with dermal fillers when it is being injected by an experienced injector or a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon.

Book Your Appointment for a Consultation

Would you like to understand what options are available for Dermal Fillers for Men in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or Book an appointment, and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.

Dr. Claudia Alves Silva Machado

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Benefits of Ultherapy

Tired of having sagging skin on your brow, chin, or neck? Perhaps even lines or wrinkles on your décolletage which cause you to have discomfort on your chest area appearance. Most of these signs come with aging and although they can’t be prevented, their appearance can be improved. Ultherapy is a non-invasive treatment that is designed to lift, tighten, and tone sagging skin around the eyes, on the face, neck, and chest.

Benefits of Ultherapy

Ultherapy works by delivering high-intensity ultrasound energy heat deep into the skin. The heat prompts the body to naturally produce more collagen while helping the existing collagen to contract. This results in an improved appearance of the fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, and a visible lift.

This treatment is ideal for individuals who have the desire to improve their facial appearance through rejuvenation but are not ready for a facelift yet or they want to avoid any surgical treatment. Sometimes, one Ultherapy treatment session is enough to deliver the desired results, some individuals may require about two or more sessions spaced six weeks apart for their optimal results to be ready.

Ultherapy can be combined with other treatments for more comprehensive results.

Individuals who opt for Ultherapy treatment can look forward to the following benefits:
  • Non-invasive skin tightening. Ultherapy is currently the only FDA approved non-surgical skin tightening technique. It uses ultrasound energy to bypass the surface of the skin and deliver precise amounts deep into the skin. It provides a significant improvement in sagging skin without causing any trauma as no needles or incisions are required.
  • Customizable. Ultherapy can be tailor-made to meet your needs and desired results with the Plastic Surgeon precisely targeting the exact areas of treatment thanks to the ultrasound imaging which provides a visual of the lower layers of the skin.
  • Natural skin lifting and tightening effects. There are no foreign additives added during the treatment and collagen in your skin is prompted to contract naturally and its production is also enhanced resulting in a lifted and firm skin.
  • Safe and with few side effects. Ultherapy is the only treatment that is cleared by the FDA to lift skin on the chin, neck, and eyebrows hence, you can undergo the treatment with peace of mind.
  • No downtime. Immediately after the treatment, the skin may look red and flushed but most clients resume their usual schedule right after the procedure. The side effects which can occur but most do not, are usually mild and subside within a week.
  • Natural-looking and long-lasting results. The results of Ultherapy treatment start becoming apparent within a month following the procedure. Although your appearance will improve, there is usually no dramatic reveal that you’ve had something done thus the natural-looking results. The final results show within three to six months after the treatment and they last for about two years.
Ultherapy is technique dependent as with the other rejuvenating treatments. That is why it is important to choose an expert who is conversant with the procedure to have the best possible results.

Book your appointment for a consultation

Would you like to understand what options are available for Ultherapy in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or Book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.