A Facelift in Dubai improves the appearance of visible signs of aging in the face and neck such as:
- Sagging of the facial skin
- Loss of facial fat
- Deepening of the fold lines between the corner of the mouth and nose
- Jowls in the cheek and jaw
- Excess fat and loose skin of the neck that has an appearance of a turkey neck or double chin
Good Candidate for a Facelift
- The ideal candidate for a facelift is an individual who is:
- Generally healthy
- A nonsmoker
- Has realistic expectations of what the surgery entails
What to expect during a consultation for a Facelift & pre-op guidelines
During your consultation for a facelift with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is an expert in facial procedures, you will discuss the following:- Your surgical goals
- Personal and family medical history
- Current medications, herbal supplements, vitamins, tobacco, alcohol, and drug use
- Alternatives to facelift if the patient is not a good candidate for the procedure
Your Plastic Surgeon will give you pre-op guidelines which will include:
- Taking certain medication or adjusting your current medications
- Stop smoking
- Apply specific products to the facial skin
- Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and herbal supplements as they can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising
Facelift Procedure
A facelift procedure is done under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.The traditional facelift involves making an incision in the hairline at the temples which continues around the ear, ending in the lower scalp. The Plastic Surgeon may sculpt or redistribute fat from the face, jowls, and neck. The underlying tissue is repositioned while the muscles and deeper layers of the face are also lifted. Skin is then redraped over the newly formed contours and excess skin is trimmed away.
To improve the appearance of the aging neck, a second incision under the chin may be made. The incisions are closed with sutures or skin adhesives.
The incisions made during a facelift procedure are well concealed within the hairline and in the natural contours of the face and ear.
Recovery & Results
After the facelift procedure, it is common to experience some level of pain or discomfort, swelling, and bruising. Pain medication will be prescribed to help with the discomfort during the recovery. A dressing may be placed around your face to minimize swelling and bruising. Small tubes may also be placed to collect any excess fluid and blood.Your Plastic Surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to take care of the drains and surgical sites, medications to take orally or apply, specific concerns to look out for at the surgical site or in your general health, and when to follow up with your practitioner.
The results will start being visible as the swelling goes down and it might take several months for your skin to feel ‘normal’ again.
Most individuals resume their normal daily activities after about two weeks but strenuous activities have to wait for about 4 weeks.
The final results should provide a more youthful and rested appearance, as well as increase your self-confidence.